People who have a criminal record may quickly realize that it can prevent them from being able to do certain things. For some, even one criminal conviction can decrease their ability to get the job they want or to advance in their career. It’s sometimes possible for...
Protecting Your Future With Compassion And Understanding
What convictions qualify for expungement?
Life is full of second chances. However, for someone with a criminal history, the path to that fresh start is full of obstacles. Fortunately, there are systems in place that will allow you to put your past behind you and move on. What is expungement? Expungement is...
How much will it cost to expunge my record in Washington?
The ongoing financial consequences from a long-ago mistake can seem particularly unfair. People who have atoned for their mistakes should be able to free themselves from these financial hardships without having to cough up even more money to reduce those hardships....
How to choose an attorney for your expungement case in Washington
Once you’ve determined that your record is eligible for expungement, you may face the time-consuming task of hiring an attorney. A referral from a trusted friend or colleague might make this task easy, but many people are in the position of choosing an attorney for...
Is expungement worth the trouble in Washington?
As we’ve mentioned previously, a study conducted in 2020 revealed that 60% of Washingtonians with criminal records may be eligible for expungement, but only 3% of those people have pursued it. Freeing oneself from the numerous frustrating restrictions on things like...
Does my criminal record qualify for expungement in Washington?
As with many questions in the legal world, the short answer is “it depends.” Generally speaking, “expungement” only applies to a handful of situations. However, “vacating” a criminal record is another story. Expunging non-conviction criminal records Thankfully, these...
How long must Washington residents wait to expunge their records?
There are many ways that a Washington criminal conviction will inconvenience someone. First and foremost, they face arrest and court proceedings. After that, they will have to potentially serve the sentence handed down by the courts if they plead guilty or get...
Why do so few Washingtonians get their records expunged?
A number of studies have looked at what’s called the “second chance gap” in various states. That term refers to the difference between the number of people eligible to have their convictions expunged or vacated and those who actually have done it. In a study published...
Can a felony conviction be vacated in Washington?
A felony conviction can be like a yoke, weighing you down long after you have served your sentence. It can limit your employment opportunities, make it difficult to secure housing and even affect some of your civil rights. Fortunately, all hope is not lost. The law in...
How expungement helps convicts turn their lives around
Are you seeking insights into how expungement can transform the lives of individuals with criminal records? Look no further. Below, you can delve into the remarkable power of expungement and its positive impact on the lives of those who deserve a second chance....