Even if you have no criminal record, applying for citizenship or permanent resident status can be a long and arduous process. After all, government adjudicators are apt to dig deeply into both your current and past behaviors. If you have a criminal conviction, your...
Protecting Your Future With Compassion And Understanding
Year: 2020
How is credit card debt split in a divorce?
When it comes to divorce and finances, most couples are concerned about how to divvy up their shared assets. If you and your spouse frequently used credit to pay for things during your marriage, the question of how this debt may be handled will also arise. U.S. News...
How can you coparent in a healthy way?
Divorce is among one of the most life changing events that you can experience. Despite the negatives, divorce can also be a fresh start. It can be a way to revive your family’s stability. When there are children involved with a divorce, you must set aside your...
Are there different types of license suspensions in Washington?
Having a driver's license is a privilege, and this privilege can be taken away for many different reasons. In Washington, license suspension is used to penalize drivers for numerous infractions, from driving while under the influence of alcohol to failing to pay child...
Finding happiness after an emotionally abusive marriage
While emotional abuse is typically not obvious like physical abuse is, it can be just as devastating to the victim. Emotional abuse may take a while to identify, and by the time it happens, the victim may be in a real low spot. However, for those who get out of the...
What does a CROP do?
When you have a criminal conviction, you will lose some of your rights. If you are a professional who works in a licensed profession, a criminal conviction could impact your licensing. According to the Washington Courts, you may be able to restore your license through...
Do you know how to communicate with your child’s co-parent?
As a newly divorced parent, you may have quite an adjustment ahead of you as you learn to navigate your new life in Washington. While learning how to make the divorce process as smooth as possible, do yourself (and your kids) a favor and learn how to communicate with...
How can I help my kids heal after a divorce?
Divorce is hard on the whole family, but it is especially difficult for the children caught in the middle. While you may be in the process of rebuilding your life, do not forget that your kids may need assistance in that area as well. Here are a few tips to help your...