Washington State gives people with criminal records the chance to expunge their records, giving them the opportunity to put an old conviction behind them so it no longer holds them back. But the process is complicated, and many eligible people are intimidated or...
Protecting Your Future With Compassion And Understanding
Month: December 2021
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Bill in Congress would encourage states to expunge marijuana convictions
Washington was one of the first states in the country to legalize marijuana. As more and more states pass similar laws, fewer Americans than ever will face the risk of getting arrested and charged with marijuana possession. But for those with a cannabis-related crime...
Why Restoring your Gun Rights Matters, even if you don’t want to own one
One of the consequences of getting convicted of any felony in Washington State is losing your right to own or possess a firearm. This is automatic under the law, though you can petition to restore your rights three years after a disqualifying misdemeanor conviction...